Outlet pictures and Retail line changes

I had retail pictures to share with you but unfortunately it is not letting me download them tonight so I will have to try again tomorrow! Here are a few pictures from the new outlet line. Overall I thought they did a nice job this year, but I didn’t end up buying anything. I took mostly close-ups of items since I had seen so many pictures already floating around of entire setups. I would have taken more too but my phone doesn’t work well in the outlets and it ended up dying on me in the middle of my visit!

As for new retail line release date changes, Spring Vacation will no longer be released on March 7, but instead will hit stores February 29th. It will be a decent sized line. Summer 1 will hit stores March 29 instead of March 28 and it’s a very small line. Also, Summer BNB will be April 11 with the GBR line hitting stores April 18th. Remember to like the facebook page here for all the latest news and sneak peeks! Hopefully, I can get the retail pictures to upload tomorrow!

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